Network base

Taiwan Meiden Co.,Ltd.
In October 1987, we opened our local base in Taipei, the center of Asian NIES. We created an organization to respond the accelerating economic internationalization, and have quickly shown results.
Company Profile
- Head Office
- 8F,NO.118-5,Sec.2, Chang`an E.Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- <886>2-2506-7111
- <886>2-2507-7000
- Incorporated
- April, 2003
- Capital
- NT$10,000,000
- Chairman
- Makiya Ito
- Representative and General Manager
- Chitose Makino
Corporate History
- Oct. 1987
- Established as Nagoya Denki Co., Ltd. Taipei Branch
- Apr. 2003
Established with current name after becoming local company
Sales of various wires, electric devices, semiconductors, related device facilities, electronic component materials, solar power related parts, etc.